Welcome to

Five years in and The Runfield Texas Race Series is back for 2024 and better than ever! With five progressive distances over the year, you'll be able to achieve more than you thought possible. From a 5K in March to a half-marathon in December, join us for fun along the way. You can do more than you imagine - one day at a time, one step at a time.
This year we have chip timing, medals for every race, photos, and more! These aren't your average races, but we guarantee fun and safety! Let's come together, run together, and overcome together.
Oh, and they won't get canceled! We were the first in-person races to be held after the 2020 lockdown in the state of Texas, and, thanks to a wonderful safety plan that was made in conjunction with the University of Texas School of Public Health, we will continue to put on our events.
Thank you for your support, 100% of all proceeds go directly to Outsiders Anonymous. Find out more about them here.
July 26, 2025
September 20, 2025
December 6, 2025
About the series
This race series is set up to provide monthly race goals to progress through during the year. Walk, run, skip, just push yourself and conquer that goal! In addition to four progressive distance races, we will also put on an OCR, or obstacle course race, as a part of the series! This will be a 2-3 mile race with obstacles that must be completed during the race. Think sandbag carries, burpees, tire drag, and feel free to suggest your own!
All races will be held in person on the dates provided, but the distances can also be completed "virtually". Our virtual races aren't the typical "run wherever" virtual race where you never get to see how you fare against the competition on race day... rather you'll have the opportunity to push yourself and truly see your hard work pay off. We are still working out the software details, but in order to be included in the entire series results, the racer must complete the official race course located in Buda, TX. We will release a course map, GPS data, and if you contact us we might even be able to come run with you! You will then be able to submit your time along with your GPS data to get verified and included! Our virtual races aren't a substitution for a real race, because we certainly run better together.
Your race entry will include:
The Runfield T-shirt
Finisher's Medal
Bib (along with chip timing)
Swag Bag
And More!!
Every race is chip-timed (other than the OCR) and has post-race refreshments at each event. Each event will have a special vendor with a sweet treat to replenish your calories! We are a community event, so expect to meet some cool runners and have fun - we are trying to keep this super simple so we can give you a great race and support a great cause. Any proceeds from the race will go directly towards supporting Outsiders Anonymous, but we certainly want to provide a fun, sober opportunity for the community.
We are very aware of the difficulties associated with community events at this time and will be taking many precautions to mitigate that risk. Please see our FAQs for more information.

What safety precautions are the race taking?Equal to having fun, safety is our number one concern. We will be saniting and social distancing every step of the way. For starters, every swag bag will come with a clorox wipe in the case you would want to sanatize the contents. On race day, masks are appreciated but not required before and after the race. According to the CDC and WHO, the risk of COVID-19 infection is close to zero when individuals are following social distancing practices while outdoors, and masks are not required. On race day, we will be sanitizing every bottle of water and refreshment and will minimize contact with race support wearing appropriate PPE. Additionally, rather than a traditional start time where all particpants line up in close proximity and begin at the same time, we will be allowing particpants to start the race anytime during a one-hour window. This will allow for seperation of racers throughout the race. While racers will be required to follow the prescribed race course, they will be responsible for maintaining sufficient space when on the course. Please voice any and all suggestions/comments to us! We cannot think of everything, but want to make sure that we are being as safe as possible while providing these events!
Do I have to run in person?No! All events will have an in-person option to build community and overcome together that every runner is encouraged to participate in. If you want to participate but cannot attend for some reason, you are still welcome to be a part of the race series. If you join after one or more events have occured, you are welcome to run the courses that you have missed and join us for the rest! The course maps will be released before each race (along with GPS data), and each racer can run the course on their own if they are unable to attend. You MUST run the race course that is released. We are still working out the details for submission, so sign up today and stay tuned! If you are unable to attend the OCR distance, substitute exercises will be released to be performed without race support.
If I choose to run virtually, can I run anywhere as long as the distance is the same?"No! You MUST run the course that is released for each distance. This will encourage the community feel along the same route, and allow you to see how you truly stack up to your neighbors. If you are unable to attend the OCR distance, substitute exercises will be released to be performed without race support.
What if I only want to do one race?We still want you to sign up and enjoy that one race! These events are about our community and having something to look forward to - If that means one race for you, whatever distance you choose, then we welcome that and are here to support you however we can! While each event is a stand-alone race, they are part of the five race series. In order to be elgigible for race series awards, you must complete all five races on the official racecourse, either "virtually" or on race day.
Will there be awards?YES! We have community sponsors that have graciously donated gift cards, gift baskets, and other awesome items. Awards will be given based on performance over the entirety of the race series. Just because you are fast at a 5K, doesn't mean you shouldn't push yourself on the longer distances. We will have awards for 1-3 place M/F under 40 and 1-3 place M/F 40+. Additionally we will have awards for the most improved, most consistant, middle of the pack, oldest, youngest, most stroller miles and whatever else we can think of! Feel free to suggest award catagories - we want to have fun with this!
What should I expect?Expect to have fun and be proud of yourself for what you've accomplished. Other than that, try to temper your expectations. This is not a huge race with a festival and all that hoopla. Before the coronavirus, we ran a small nonprofit, Outsiders Anonymous, that has temporarily paused services. This is about community and having fun. This is open to all levels, competitive to "I hate running" (there are times we do too, but it is SO good for our mental health!).
What is Outsiders Anonymous?We are a 501c3 nonprofit orginization that exists exists to provide free fitness training and an awesome sober community to help individuals run from relapse and lift themselves into a life worth living. We are based on years of research demonstrating the efficacy of physical activity on the brain of individuals struggling with substance use disorder in order to reduce relapse rates. We are not only focused on providing services to individuals, but also to further our understanding on how physical activity can truly give people in recovery a fighting chance at staying sober. While COVID-19 has thrown a wrench in our operations, we wanted to take the opportunity to bring a little community and fun to everyone during these times. You are certain,y encouraged to check us out at www.outsidersanonymous.org
Where will the races be held?Currently we are planning on all races being held in the Sunfield community in Buda, TX. We will make every attempt to route the courses so that your neighbors and friends will be able to cheer you on while you run by from the comfort of their front lawn! If you don't live in Sunfield, you're still welcome to run, and maybe make some new community friends! If this changes, rest assured the races will be held in the Buda area, and all updates will be communicated with the racers.